Dam House

Overcoming a difficult site, this house truly makes the most of its surroundings to create a relaxed family home.

Client Brief:

To bring to life the plans whilst managing a build so close to the dam and ensuring that we were able to make the most of the view.

Additional Services:

  • Engaging technical experts to gain permission from council to undertake the extra engineering

  • Colour consultation for the exterior

Our client's thoughts:

We love every aspect of our new home. Ian and Cheryl were so professional and from the moment we signed the building contract construction began within a few days. I&C's trades people were of excellent quality and worked diligently. I would thoroughly recommend I&C Homes.

– Warren & Cindy Hudson - Hallidays Point

If you require any further detail on this build, or would like us to work on a project like this for you, please don't hesitate to contact us. We look forward to delivering the custom home or renovation of your dreams.

leah curtis